Contact Us

      St. Francis of Assisi Parish

      530 Gardners Neck Rd
      270 Ocean Grove Avenue
      Swansea, MA 02777-1708
      530 Gardners Neck Rd
      270 Ocean Grove Avenue
      Swansea, MA 02777-1708

      Church location:
      530 Gardner's Neck Road
      Swansea, MA 02777

      270 Ocean Grove Ave.
      Swansea, MA 02777

      Phone: 508-673-2808
      Fax: 508-672-6241

      Office Hours

      Monday - Wednesday 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Thursday & Friday

      Office / Rectory / Mailing:
      270 Ocean Grove Avenue
      Swansea, MA 02777